- 10.11.22
I recommend Steven Waldman's 2019 book "Sacred Liberty" (HarperOne).
While he insightfully examines the hard fought (often legal case based) efforts of many groups to gain the Constitutional right to religious freedom in the good old USA, the book's best contribution is that he plainly and simply specifies the civic and cultural creed that is necessary to sustain religious freedom, our "Sacred Liberty":
"Over time, in addition to creating the conditions for a spiritual free market, we have coalesced around a few core principles. The phrase 'separation of of church and state' does not adequately describe the creed, which today includes these ideas:
Religious freedom is a right, not a favor granted to a minority by a benevolent ruler or an indulgent majority.
The 'state' must not favor one religion over another. That's true whether the government body is the US Congress or the local school board.
The majority religion does not get to regulate or push around minority religions.
People define for themselves what religion is and whether it speaks to them. Religions are largely left to govern themselves.
Religious expressions by public officials in public places are welcomed but must be inclusive.
Our society must often make special accomodations for the religious- meaning we allow believers to sidestep certain laws that would force them to violate their conscience. We bend over backward to allow spiritual journeys to proceed unimpeded." (p.6)
This is Waldman's enunciation of the good old USA's spiritual free market religious creed. (Please note this is our civic creed not a creed claimed to be from God.)
He also makes a hopeful point about our progress towards religious freedom in keeping with our from the bottom up, from our 'we the people', democracy: "Progress has largely driven by regular Americans- unheralded religious pioneers and in some cases, martyrs." (ibid)
Yes I recommend this book.
It's comprehensive and scholarly without being slow going and pedantic.
It shows compassion to all religious seekers.
And it also takes a fair approach to all religions and lifts up religious freedom in the USA as a fundamental and protected Consitutional right. This right based orientation (as Waldman well understands) of this sacred freedom in our country has changed and bettered religion both here and around the world, which is no small blessing.
Br. Tobin
Preaching Hour TV weekly on Cox PATV Channel 15 in Cheshire, Southington and Meriden CT and on VCAM Channel 15 10pm Fridays in Burlington VT.
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Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.