USA- it's all about freedom! Author John Barry on Roger Williams' founding of Providence: "For a man such as he to omit all mention of God underscored his absolute conviction that to assume that God embraced any state other than ancient Israel profaned God and signified human arrogance in the extreme." Thank God the good old USA does not have or accept any state religion.
Cruelty (ie bullying) is an evil human temptation.
There are drivers out there in our "modern" and "progressive" age who won't stop- or even slow down- for anything, which sort of sounds like our U.S. foreign policy. $183billion appropriated as of end of Sept per Untold numbers of dead. When will it end?
We are living in an extended, costly and inflationary era of overreach, that has lasted for decades, especially in the area of US foreign and military policies. This post was written back in 2012. When and how will this overreach era end? Amidst this overreach we remember former US President John F. Kennedy who- in contrast to our era- had a more realistic and tailored notion of US foreign policy and what actually was, or is, our "national interest."
January 9, 2025 LA Wild Fires
October 7,2024 Hurricane Helene and other storms teaching us in the good old USA to care for and invest in our own land and own people, rather than try and be savior of the whole world!
12.27.2023 With US Borders open to the world- putting inflation pressure on housing supply and costs- will 2023 and 2024 be the years that USA citizens with modest incomes realize that their American Dream of owning a house- or even having an affordable rent- is out of reach?
12.7.2023. CT Home Prices Up 10% in Last Year, 3rd Quarter 2022 to Third Quarter 2023 (FHFA)
9.18.23: Committee For a Responsible Federal Budget Reports Total Gross Debt of US is $33 Trillion- having grown one trillion in three months- June 15 - September 15, 2023.
11.10.23: Moody's downgrades US credit rating outlook from stable to negative, based on deficits and increasing costs of US borrowing.
10.21.23: Avg. price of home in USA in second quarter of 2023: $416,000.00 says Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
10.16.23: Will breach of Israel's borders change our unlawful border policy?
9:21.23: Unlawful borders that much of the political class tries to ignore?
9.16.23: Inflation from US printing too many deficit dollars to fund foreign endeavors is going to soon wipe out recent and fledgling wage gains for work a day folks.
7.31.23: Flour prices at the market have doubled in a year and we are still more involved trying to till other lands than our own!
Since 4.23.11: I got this Word: Proverbs 12,11- "He who tills his own land will be satisfied with bread, but he who pursues worthless things lacks sense."
This word is long overdue to be fulfilled in the good old USA!
Closeness to the Lord keeps the seasoning savour of salvation in our lives.
An era of worldwide overreach- when will it end? Now it's Russia's turn.
Revelation speaks of God's end-time purpose to save Israel, conduit for the light and salvation of all nations.
Fourth in the 'Hastening Armageddon' series. (10.2.2014)
No human or institution is allowed to hasten Armageddon. Revelation16,13-14.
Monsanto v. Bowman and God as first seed maker. Levitcus19,19: "Do not plant your field with two kinds of seeds."
Thought for the day: The good faith seed of creation-Eden-Eve (Gn.3,15) will be the sweet fruit of our millennial reign! (Rv.20,4) Praise Jesus!
Or the name of a denomination... they are well received, but what about in the Name of Jesus?
Zechariah12,5: "The strength of the inhabitants of Jerusalem lies in Yahweh Saboath their God." NJB
No human or human institution is encouraged or allowed anywhere in God's Word- or by His Spirit- to in any way hasten Armageddon.
First in the 'Hastening Armageddon' series. (11.23.2011)
"Beware of the bear and any false peace with Russia and Syria."
Will the multinational corpos hire or hoard? Pay living wages? Why are so many fast food places understaffed? If you go for the last and ultimate and full price on everything- well it's time to pay full living wages too.
Seems like the world is plagued by frequent floods these days. Or is it just global warming, or many once in a thousand year occurrences?
The Lord is counting the flock, knows our names and phone numbers. (But Br. Tobin doesn't!) Perhaps you are ready for worship and preaching that tastes- in a good way- a little different? Perhaps you are finally ready to make your personal decision for Jesus and have had your belly full of a half way service. If so, let us know! And with 10 people- we'll do something beautiful for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus and His kingdom- wherever He and His WORD wants. And we will also supernaturally experience- first hand- our ever new bible based faith! Oh what a great God we have- His mercy is new every morning, every season, and in every age of history. Don't miss out on your salvation- don't miss out on knowing Jesus- as He is not as humankind says He is. Don't miss out on His salvation call for you and your family. Call 2032009177
Does any nation still do what the bible says before going to war?
Third in the 'Hastening Armageddon' series.
Is your church building the city of God or man? God-Word-Holy Ghost inspired or Babylon inspired?
A star over Jerusalem (at Jesus' birth) guided the Arab world to Jesus, to Isa.
That should have us devouring the living word of God- Isaiah31,8 says Syria will not fall by the sword of any mere human being.
Here we go again? Printing debt dollars and trying to run the world. When are we going to learn? U.S.A. and Europe's money- been there and done that- can't buy world's love! (From 2010!)
Our faith is more than about reaching heaven! We're inheriting the millennial kingdom of God, in historical time, centered in Israel and ruled by Jesus from there ie the millennial on EARTH! Not just getting to heaven prior to the millennial, cf Zechariah14,5. If we let this sink in, our whole earthly and cosmic viewpoint on God, and his eternal purposes, and His eternal scriptures, and His eternal love for His chosen people Israel, will be expanded and clarified. BTW Christendom was never and never will be the kingdom of God! The Kingdom of God is based in Jerusalem and starts at the millennial when Jesus, takes a victory lap, and reigns and rules with all His faithful.
A closed religious circle put Jesus on the cross.
The Eighth King of Revelation17,11?
Second in The 'Hastening Armageddon Series" (4.26.2012)
Denominational uniforms, 3rd-grade catechisms and Sunday school- or the precepts of the living Word?
Wake up good old USA- we are nothing more or less than the faithful seed of Abraham- not a new Israel, not an empire, not an endless nation builder, and not the savior of the whole world. Our government is and was designed to be limited in scope so to ensure the freedom and rights of all its citizens and the states in relation to the federal government.
Even amidst violent conflicts and natural disasters all around the world- a globalist technocratic empire is not an answer. Since Noah God ordained nations- unto the millennial Kingdom- then Jesus takes over governing the nations. Psalm22,28 teaches that nations should work out their differences.
Holy Ghost gifts and experiences help us serve others.
Health care is now 19% of our economy?! Why did we let one issue completely change our political system in favor of the federal government at the expense of state governments? States are not playthings of the federal government! Yes kick it back to the states- with realistic minimum standards and revenue sharing and then let the states implement and design their own fair and more cost effective health care- in keeping with the way our political system was designed- that is states led and were responsible for health and welfare issues. How much has our present system contributed to inflation?
The good old USA is not honor bound to a here-a war-there-a-war-foreign-policy. I pray all nations of the world here in 2022 and now 2023 are entering into a wiser and more peaceful time period than when this article was written back in August of 2013.
Are you in the Temple yet, ready to be counted? Can't you see son of Man, Woman of God?
A prophetic word for the Assemblies of God- a Lord's supper that blesses down the real Spirit to spirit communion of 1Corinthians10,16! Millions of souls in the balance. Do you see son of man-woman of God? As -priestly human beings (1Pt2,5 and 9), we are God's called out ones, made church, by the blessing of faith unto Holy Ghost infilling (Acts2,36-36) and thus have the Holy Spirit in us. And so now we also bless things and people. The bread and wine, by our blessing in faith (1Cor10,16), have the Holy Spirit in them too, ie are the risen flesh and blood of Jesus: "unless you eat my flesh and drink my...John6,53. Flesh or bodies are either "physical or spiritual," 1Cor15,44. John6,53 refers to Jesus' risen flesh and risen blood, ie His resurrected body, to be eaten at the table after his resurrection. This risen body flesh and blood is the same as real food and drink of John6,55, same as Spiritual food and drink (1Cor10,3-4). That is, God who is Spirit is in the bread and wine, by our obedient (Jesus said "do this...") holy blessing of faith, 1Cor10,16, and this is confirmed (or not based on our personal faith and our faith as his holy body of faithers) by Jesus' holy blessing based on our proper holy faith. People getting sick and some even dying in the Corinthian church because they partook of the table unworthily, ie without having the salvation faith and knowledge of what Jesus did on Calvary for them, whereby they participated at the table (blessing and seeking communion!) in a sinful and or ignorant mind, profaning Calvary and the table, and their supposed faith communion with God and the whole assembled fellowship. Getting sick and even dying for their unworthy, faithless, table participation, does not seem likely if these unprepared folks were merely distracted from Calvary or merely unworthily and faithlessly profaning symbols, but much more likely as they were profaning Jesus risen flesh and blood (John19,34 ever flowing blood) and profaning the one body there assembled, the one called out people, the one true Holy Spirit church fellowship.
This is an important constitutional-biblical teaching for Zion Pentecost Mission. It will also help folks interested in taking a prophetic-biblical view regarding the events unfolding in the Mideast regarding Israel.
Do the ends justify the means here in the good old USA? Back to square one on health care debate here again in 2017.
How much national defense is too much?
Jesus alone will make the kingdoms of this world into His one Zion kingdom.
Four words between Feb. 2009 and Jan. of 2013 on Isaiah 18 about letting God correct the USA. And isn't the UN supposed to be against war? Dear fellow Americans, fellow denizens of the good old USA, born in freedom and fleeing the potentate wars and religious strife of Europe, Afghanistan is a correction!
The Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in New Haven Connecticut is cancelled as of January 14, 2024.
So even though I left the RCC almost 18 years ago, I thought I would share what I got out of it way back in the late 1980s.
Pride is a limitless hole, but humility a lifeline.
Could anything be better than heaven? How about a eternally redeemed earth?
"Mississippi Shrinking", 3rd in the four part Isaiah 18 series.
Veil number 1: The politics and business first church is the False Prophet of Revelation.
The fiery vision that birthed Zion Pentecost Mission.
Two thousand years of true faith or false faith: the risen Jesus on the white horse of salvation-judgment or a christendom conqueror on a false white horse.
Joe Lueken loves his employees as himself. What is an ESOP?
What's a "Nicolaitan" according to Revelation 2,6 and 15? One who tries to conquer and fleece the people of God. Vintage video links and updated text. This easy to understand non biblical worldly concept of doing church- and its biblical remedy- will completely open our minds and spirits to what church and church servant leadership is meant to be and how we should do church.
Are we Yanks learning to pay tribute to Lords of finance?
With Russia's Ukraine war gambit, the Lord brought me again to Ezekiel38,2:
Every Pol His or Her Own Religious Idaho?
Even the most powerful must trust in God!
In this era of hyper change- what principles will we in the good old USA live by?
Beware of false peace regarding Russia, Syria and Israel.
Are we building up Him or ourselves?
The Pruning of America has begun.
It's time to break up Wall Street- Bernie's right on this issue.
What if our creditors suddenly stand up?
Our U.S. military overreach hangover is no reason to overreach again.
Could we the people get a word in here?
From Food Stamps To Gas Vouchers