About The Founder

Brother Tobin Hitt grew up in Cheshire, Connecticut where he resides. He served on several Connecticut Campaigns (twice for Senator Lowell Weicker, and Connecticut Reagan-Bush '84), completed law school, and ran for Mayor of New Haven in 1989 on a new vision platform.

Right after passing the Connecticut Bar Exam, at 26, he found salvation and turned his life over to Jesus. After three years of practicing law, he was called to ministry and answered that call in August of 1990 and earned an MA in scripture and a Masters of Divinity along the way.

He then served well in New Mexico for over 10 years, where he was effective inspiring families to commit to Christ, helping Mexican immigrants and others find their freedom in faith, cost-effective building projects, and teaching from the pulpit and the university classroom.

In May of 2006 he received the vision of Zion Pentecost Mission. This has been followed by a time of service to the body of Christ in Vermont where he served as an Evangelist at Tabernacle of Worship Assembly of God in Burlington and regular pulpit fills at Lyndon Full Gospel Assembly of God in Lyndonville. 

He hosts "The Preaching Hour" a weekly public access television ministry (500 episodes to date), that airs through The Media Factory in Greater Burlington Vermont and through LCATV Greater Colchester-Milton Vermont and also in Cheshire, Meriden and Southington Connecticut through PATV 15.

(for free sponsorship opportunities in your neck of the woods for 'The Preaching Hour' please contact us!  More info about 'The Preaching Hour: http://www.zionpentecostmission.com/the-preaching-hour-flyer.html).

Tobin has always sought to build bridges in the Body of Christ, across cultures, languages, nationalities, races and pulpits. He speaks Spanish fluently, and has experienced a broad range of different expressions of the faith. He is open to counsel from a broad range of the faithful and has continued to serve and witness to our one Lord and savior Jesus and our one saving gospel through the generosity of the faithful and also through occcasional and various "tentmaking" jobs like the Apostle Paul.

His primary areas of gifting and service are faith preaching-teaching and prophetic gospel writing, deliverance-healing, faith counsel, prophecy, and challenging and helping folks become faith leaders.

He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21).

 Latest episodes of The Preaching Hour TV :


Vision that birthed  Zion Pentecost Mission:


To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter to highly commend Reverend Tobin Hitt for being an inspiration to my family and the community. I have known Reverend Hitt for over 25 years. He is a Godly man who loves the Lord and has devoted his life to serving Him daily. ... He is quite knowledgeable in the word of God. He brought both young and old to Christ. His dedication to bringing the community together was commendable and diligent.

I cannot [over] emphasize what an asset he has been to our lives. The younger generation found him to be exhilirating and motivating. They were astounded by his enthusiasm in the word of God. He gave hope to those who felt hopeless, he reassured those who lacked faith. I am writing this letter of letter of commendation for brother Tobin so that people may acknowledge a true shepherd of God.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank brother Tobin for all his hard work and time he has graciously given to the community he has served and continues to serve. My family has missed him dearly and we pray that some day we will have him in our midst as he is light in a world of darkness.

M. Lujan
New Mexico

Because of Brother Tobin's teachings it has stirred up my desire to have a deeper relationship with Jesus! They have also helped me to walk in confidence in my spiritual gifts!
V. Pena
New Mexico

Zion Pentecost Mission Aims To Be And Do Church God's Way In Jesus' Name: Personal Gospel Faith For All- Gifted Ministerial Holy Ghost Power For All- Gospel Faith Freedom For All



If you would like Br. Tobin to preach and teach about the like precious faith of our gospel of salvation, or about covenantal nature of adult water and Holy Ghost baptism, or preach a healing family tree-deliverance mission, or explain our bible based Lord's Supper as real food and real drink (free of both Roman dogmas and Protestant neglect and symbols) wherein all the faithful consecrate-bless the bread and wine, or some other topic of the Lord's choosing, please contact us.