Table of The Lord Meditation N. 15
God Has Always Fed His People Supernaturally And Now At The Lord's Supper Dios Siempre Ha Dado de Comer A Su Pueblo Milagrosamente- Asi En La Cena Del Senor Tambien
The supernatural feeding of God's people began in the desert journey after the Israel's Passover deliverance from Egyptian slavery (Exodus 16, Deuteronomy 8).El provecho milagrosamente del pueblo de Dios empezo en el camino del desierto despues del Pascuas de Israel de la esclavitud de Egiptio (Exodo 16, Deuteronomio 8).
It continued eight hundred years later in the epoch of king Ahab, when God sent ravens with food for Elijah in the time of drought (1Kings 17,4,6).Ha continuado ocho cientos anos despues en la epoca del Rey Ahab, quando Dios mando un cuervo con comida por Elias en el tiempo del sequia y desobediencia (1Reyes17,4,6).
This supernatural feeding contuinued as Jesus looked up to heaven, blessed, and then broke the five loaves that fed 5,000 people.Este provecho sobrenatural tambien continuo quando Jesus miro al cielo, y ha bendecido, y entonces partio los cinco panes que ha dado de comer cinco mil.
Likewise, the twelve baskets of leftovers gathered up in obedient faith point to the table of the Lord after the resurrection (Mark 6, 41-44).Asimismo, las doce cestas de extra pieza del pan, recogidas en fe, se senela la mesa del senor despues de su resurreccion (Marcos6,41-44).
It continues today whenever we present ourselves with a repentant and biblical faith at the table of the Lord, about which Jesus prophesied: "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood you can have no life in you." (John 6,53) Continua hoy cada vez que nosotro asistimos con una fe biblica y arrepentida a la mesa del Senor, sobre Jesus ha profesado: "si no comeis la carne del Hijo del hombre y bebeis su sangre, no teneis vida en vosotros." (Juan6,53)
Jesus' supernatual sustenance will also be a major part of the kingdom banquet in the end. Matthew 8,11 and 26,29.La provision sobrenatural tambien sera un mayor parte del baquete del reino en el fin. Matteo 8,11 y 26,29
So, the bible teaches, from begining to end, that God supernaturally provides food from heaven. Entonces, la biblia ensena, del principio al fin, que Dios esta sobrenaturalmente dandonos de comer y beber del cielo.
Here's a brief progressive biblical sketch of this: Aqui es un resumen biblico de este argomento:
Exodus 16,15-16: "When the Israelites saw it, they said one to another, 'What is that?' because they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, 'That is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat. 16 Here is the command the Lord has given: Each of you is to gather as much as he can eat..."
Exodo 16,15-16: "Al verla, los hijos de Israel se dijeron unos a otros: Ques es esto?, porque no sabian lo que era. Y Moises les dijo: Es el pan que el Senor os da de comer. 16 Esto es lo que el Senor ha mandado: 'Cada uno recoja de el lo que vaya a comer; tomareis un gomer por cabeza, conforme al numero de personas qua cada uno de vosotros tiene en su tienda.' "
Exodus 16,33: "Moses said to Aaron, 'Take a jar and fill it with an omer [six pints) of manna, and store it in the presence of the Lord, to be kept for future generations.'" Exodo 16,33: "Entonces dijo Moises a Aaron: Toma una vasija y pon en ella un gomer lleno de mana, y colocolo delante del Senor a fin de guardarlo para vuestras generaciones.'
Deuteronomy 8,16: "he fed you in the wilderness to humble you, and test you, and so make your future the happier." Deuteronomio 8,16: "En el desierto te alimento con el mana que tus padres no habian conocido, para humillarte y probarte, y para finalmente hacrete bien."
John 6,27: "Do not work for food that spoils [all physical food spoils], but for food that lasts to life eternal such as the Son of Man [prophesying the resurrection] will furnish you." Juan 6,27: "Trabajad, no por el alimento que perece, sino por el alimento que permanece para vida eterna, el cual el Hijo del Hombre os dara [profesia de su resurreccion]."
1Corinthians10,1-3: "Let me remind you, my friends, that our ancestors were all under the cloud, and all of them passed through the Red Sea [a supernatural Holy Ghost deliverance]; so they all received baptism into the fellowship of Moses in cloud and sea [signs of God's actual Holy Ghost presence]. 3 They all ate the same supernatural food, and all drank the same supernatural drink; for they drank from the supernatural rock that accompanied [again God's Holy Ghost presence] that accompanied their travels- and that rock was Christ." 1Corinthios10,1-3: "Porque no quiero que ignoreis, hermanos, que nuestros padres todos estuvieron bajo la nube y todos pasaron por el mar; 2 y en Moises todos fueron bautizados en la nube y en el mar; 3 y todos comieron el mismo alimento espiritual, porque bebian de una roca espiritual que los segui; y la roca era Christo."
Only Your Faith Will Answer "What's That?" Solamente Fe Se Dara Una Respuesta A La Pregunta "Que es esto?"
God's first people ate food and drink from heaven. El primero pueblo de Dios comio comida y bebida del cielo.
But at first, like over fed and under-exercizing kids seated before some new food, they turned up their noses: "what's that?" Pero al inicio, como ninos sin ejercicio y demasiado comida, quando fueron presentados comida nueva, le hagan ascos al pan milagroso y bebida de la roca: "Que es esto?"
They wanted meaty flesh (Exodus 16,3 the fleshpots), the rich cookouts they had left in Egyptian slavery, but God was giving them only a strange daily bread come down from heaven that tested their dependance on him, that they had gather every day, that they couldn't store up. Ellos han querido barbacoa (Exodo 16,3), varios asados que han gozado en su esclavitud Egipcio, pero el senor estaba dando un pan curioso y diario que descendia del cielo y que ha probabado su dependencia sobre el, y que ellos tuvieron recoger diariamente, sin la flojeria de siempre tener todo y extra.
God did this so that his people would come to appreciate his simple heavenly provision, and depend on it daily, and thereby realize that their human strength and their future happiness, went beyond the physicality of their craving bellies, and rested solely in God. Dios hizo esto al motivo que su pueblo acceptarian su provecho del cielo, diariamente, y entonces realizar que su fortaleza humana y bienestar futuro, andaba mas alla de su estomogos carnales, y dependia en Dios.
This idea of manna, bread from heaven, became so important that God demanded that an omer (six pints) of this faithfully gathered bread be perpetually kept in a golden jar and stored in the presence of the Lord, in front of the Ark of the covenant in the Holy of Holies in the tent of meeting and later in the Jerusalem Temple (Hebrews 9,4, see also the apocryphal 2Maccabees 2,4-8 for the idea that Jeremiah hid the Ark with the manna in it upon the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 586BC). Esta idea de mana, pan del cielo, fue tan importante que Dios mando que un galon y media de este pan estaria tenido en una urna de oro en frente del cajon famoso (con la presencia actaul de Dios), llammada la arca arca de la alianza, en la tienda en el desierto y despues en el templo de Jerusalen (Hebreos9,4. Vean ud.s tambien el deuterocanonico 1Maccabeos2,4-8, por la possibilidad que Jeremias escondio la arca con el mana quando el templo fue destruido por los Babylonios en 586BC).
So in Exodus 16,33 we have God telling his people to bring some of the manna close to the holiest and the most concentrated place of God's presence. This strongly hints that the manna (and the water from the rock- Christ wasn't struck yet) could or would someday have the very presence of God, not just be supernatural provision, but also contain God's supernatural presence. Same idea with the consecrated "Bread of His Presence", the twelve unleavened loaves brought weekly and pysically close to the face of God in the holy of Holies, Exodus 25,30. Entonces en Exodo 16,33 hay Dios diciendo a su pueblo a traer el mana cerca al sitio mas santo y bendecido, al sitio de la presencia de Dios. Este hecho fuertemente da la idea que el mana (y la agua, no sangre ya de la roca antes Calvario) un dia tendria la misma gloriosa presencia de Dios, no solamente por provecho sobrenatural, pero por la presencia actual de Dios dentro este pan. Hemos visto esta misma idea con el pan consecrado "El pan de la Presencia" perpetualmente en frente de Dios (Exodo 25,30) quien es Espiritu (Juan4,24).
The New Testament Value Added, Real, Supernatural, Risen Presence In The Bread and Wine El Nuevo Testamento Ensena Una Presencia Real Y Sobrenatural En El Pan Y Vino
The Apostle Paul discusses the differance between actual unholy communion with demons, or actual Holy Communion with God in 1Corithinians 10-11. El Apostol Pablo habla de la diferencia entre communion actual con demonios, or communion con Dios en 1Corinthios10-11.
Communion here has nothing to do with eating symbols. Who ever heard of eating symbols? In the bible God's people eat God's provisions, real stuff, real provisions, or food sacrificed to demons. Esta communion aqui no trate de comer symbolos. Quien ha oido del comer symbolos? En la biblia su pueblo siempre come algo real de Dios, su provecho, su sustancia, o comida sacrificado a los demonios, que es tambien algo real.
Likewise communion has nothing to do with the physical proximity of placing a holy offering in a certain room of the tent or Temple as in the temple cult of the Hebrew scriptures. Asi nuestra communion no trata en ningun modo de quartos especiales en el Templo de Jerusalem como en el testamento Hebreo.
Instead, communion is real experience with God (who is Spirit, John 4,24, and with God himself per1John1,3) so long as everybody approaches with the a humble and rightful and biblical faith, and God agrees to show up (see table Meditations 13-14). De hecho, communion, con la fe requisita, es una experiencia sobrenatural y actual con Dios (quien es Espiritu, Juan 4,24, y con Dios mismo 1Juan1,3), simepre que cada uno viene a la mesa (o altar espiritual se tu quieras) con una fe biblica. Y el Espiritu de Dios viene tambien. Su presencia es el escogio de Dios y su aceptacion de este sacrificio espiritual (1Pedro2,5. Vean Uds Meditaciones 13-14).
It is an actual supernatural exchange between God's Holy Spirit and our spirit. As such, it fulfills the strong hints of Exodus 16,33 and Exodus 25,30 that in Jesus, who made all things new (2 Corinthians5,17) by rising from the dead, it is only fitting and logical and biblical that we have a value added supernatural food and drink at the supper of our resurrected Lord. Es un intercambio sobrenatural entre Dios como Espiritu y nuestra espiritu. Asi la cena cumpla las ensenanzas iniciales de Exodo 16,33 y 25,30 por que Jesus resucitado y ha hecho todas cosas nuevas (2Corinthios5,17), y entonces es logical y biblico que tenemos una nueva comida y bebida, Espiritual, despues de nuestra bendicion.
"When we bless the cup of blessing, is it not a means of sharing the blood of Christ? When we break the bread the bread is it not a means of sharing in the body of Christ? 1Corinthians 10,16 REV "La copa de bendicion que bendicimos, no es la participacion en la snagre de Christo? El pan que partimos, no es la participacion [communion, companarismo] en el cuerpo de Christo?"1Corinthians10,16 (La Biblia de las Americas, NASB)
Or, the King James version:
"Is not the blessed cup, which we consecrate, a fellowship in the blood of Christ? Is not the break we brake [after the blessing] a fellowship in the body of Christ?"
After Christ rose, something that is offered, blessed in his name, and consecrated by his risen Spirit, can certainly contain His risen Spirit. And thus it can be more than a memory and become a living memorial whereby our living God shows up via his presence. Despues de la resurrecion, algo ofrecido, y bendecido, en el nombre de Jesus, y consagrado por su Espiritu resucitado, puede y necessariamente, contiene, se es hecho en fe, este mismo Espiritu de Dios. Entonces la cena del Senor es mas que una memoria, es un memorial viviente, que como hemos ensenado en todas estas quince meditaciones, es un sacrificio espiritual, por su sacerdocio (1Pedro2,5), donde nuestro Dios viviente viene en su Espiritu.
If only we have the eyes of faith to see and the faith hunger to experience this communion. Yes we can have this actual communion outside the supper, but here at the one table of the Lord, where he commanded us to be, his people come to experience a unifying and important fellowship with him and each other. Se tuvimos ojos de fe a ver y una fe habriente ad experimentar esta communion. Si nosotros podemos tener esta communion actual fuera de la cena, pero aqui, por el mandamiento de su palabra, su pueblo se experimentan la unidad y companarismo importante con El y con sus hermanos y hermanas.
Conclusion: Out of Supernatural Rock Flow Food and Drink With God's Spirit In Them Conclusion" Desde La Roca Sobrenatural Viene Comida Y Bebida Con El Espiritu De Dios
At this supper we search in faith not primarily for physical sustenance (though God still does this), as did God's first people, but supernatural provision wherein God has deigned to put his Spirit into his supernatural food and drink, not just provide it, but to be there himself and even put himself in it. A esta cena buscamos en fe no primeramente por sustancia physical, como los Israelitas, pero su provecho sobrenatural.
This is truly value added experience of risen food and drink, rich provision, fitting for us as temples of the Holy Ghost. Este esperiencia de fe es veramente un valor anadido, comida resucitada, bebida resucitada, que pega con nosotros siendo actualmente templos del Espiritu Santo.
Fitting supernaturally provided food and drink, now also supernatural in content, food and drink (from a supernatural rock!) from our risen Lord. Apropriada comida y bebida dado sobrenaturalmente por Dios, que ora es tambien sobrenatural en contenido, comida y bebida de la roca resucitada quien es Jesus nuestro Salvador resucitado.
This is the plain sense of the progressive revelation of all scripture. Este el sentido simple de la revelacion de toda la escritura.
It is also the biblical upshot of John 6,53-54: (another prophesy of the Lord's Supper) "unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you. He who eat my flesh and drinks my blood, had eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." Es es la conclusion biblica de Juan 6,53-54 (otra profecia sobre la cena): "sin no comeis la carne del Hijo del Homdre y bebeis su sangre, no teneis vida en vosotro. 54 El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna, y lo resucitare en el dia final."
Praise Jesus- are you getting hungry yet? Se alaban Jesus- tienen uds hambre ya?
Hr. Tobin
video de la cena:
If you or your church would like coaching as to a revived and biblical Lord's Supper, please let us know.
Se usted o su iglesia quiere un technico como dar una cena renovada y biblica, por favor, contactarnos.

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Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.