

Table of Lord Meditation N. 41


August 12, 2016

Dear Dr. Wood:

Greetings and blessings in the mighty Name of Jesus. 

It is with great faith and the repeated prompting of the Holy Ghost that I send this email. 

Back in August of 2010 I started teaching about reviving the Lord's Supper, after 500 years of Vatican dogmatism and Protestant neglect. 

Since then the Lord has given me 40 Table of The Lord Meditations that bring this acceptable Spiritual sacrifice (1Peter2,5) back to its biblical basis (http://www.zionpentecostmission.com/the-lords-supper).

About that same time back in August-September of 2010 I got a word for the AG- that you all were the prime vehicle for reviving the Lord's Supper, bringing it back to its biblical basis. http://www.zionpentecostmission.com/hopeful-word-assemblies-of-god.html 

This word reflects John 6,63: "it is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh is no help at all."

The biblical basis of this word in a nutshell is this. 

The priesthood of all the faithful, by virtue of our baptism in the Spirit, at the spiritual sacrifice of the Lord's Supper offers (1Peter2,5) and then blesses the cup and wine (cf1Corinthians10,16). 

This blessing is confirmed by God, or not. 

Exodus24 is our pattern. The priests on behalf of the people made a fellowship (meal) offering, and other consecrated offerings, at the base of mountain. Then a large group went up the mountain to see if their sacrifices were acceptable. They saw God up the mountain. God's presence depicted the acceptance of their sacrifices. 

Then they ate the fellowship meal.   

The physical bread and wine at the supper - like Aaron's rod, like our body after Holy Ghost baptism, like the cultic utensils of Hebrew Tent and Temple, like the manna in the ark- by His blessing take on Jesus' risen Spirit, His real presence. 

At the table, He and His people bless physical things. He also shows up in Spirit, or we don't eat and drink. Physical things when faithfully consecrated can and often do contain God, who is Spirit (John4,24).

This teaching has nothing to do with the counter Reformation "transubstantiation." A blessing is a blessing is a blessing (a consecration) and a mighty powerful and good thing, as any person baptized in the Spirit knows. So "offer your bodies as a living [or Spiritual] sacrifice..." is akin to offering bread and wine as a living memorial to Jesus at the table. Again physical actually can and do contain the living Spirit of God. [This sentence should have read "Again physical things can and do contain the living spirit of God, ie all the temple utensils in Leviticus] 

Many say the bread and wine are just symbols. 

But what's the point of blessing and breaking (Spiritually sacrificial acts) symbols? None whatsoever. Many now skip the Spiritually sacrificial act of blessing the cup and bread, and breaking the bread, but 1Corinthians10,16 depicts these acts of faith as the very means to our Spiritual communion with the risen Jesus. 

Moreover, Jesus told us to "do this" memorial, that is, as he did it, blessing and breaking bread (Matthew26,26).

Blessing and breaking bread, and blessing wine is about more than symbolism. The partaking of blessed bread and wine connect us by way of a Spiritual-faith Communion with the Spiritual body of Christ, the church then and there around the table, and also the risen Jesus, who still has a body, a risen body (1Corinthians15,44), a Spiritual body. The body prepared for Him (Hebrews10,5) still lives still nourishes! Still has risen flesh with risen blood in it.

His risen body, his ever nourishing Spiritual flesh (1Corinthians15,44), and his ever flowing Spiritual blood are ours by way of his blessing-consecration at the table. SoJohn19,38 is not Jesus' heart physically blowing up under pressure, but a visionary prophecy of His ever flowing, ever interceding, ever merciful Spiritual blood that we imbibe at the table.

Pentecostals have always known 'the power of his blood,' in that Jesus is our heavenly high priest and intercessor (Hebrews7,25). Is it too much to say that where there's heavenly intercession and heavenly high priesthood, there's Jesus' ever flowing Spiritual blood? No.  

Spiritual bread from heaven and Spiritual blood from heaven are ours at the table.  

So when Jesus said "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood..." this was prophecy of the fullness of eating His resurrected flesh, him as bread from heaven, from which ever flowing Spiritual blood still flows, at our fellowship meal, after the our Spiritual sacrifice is accepted by him. 

Dr. and Br. Wood you well know in this evil and distracted age that Jesus' people hunger and thirst for righteousness. This biblical based Lord's Supper has been a great help to me in maintaining my biblical faith. I thought I'd never go back to any form of the table after I left the RCC in 2006, but the Lord insisted on it. And I have been celebrating it for many years now as a normal and vital part of my faith and ministry. 

Something dear and important has been lost in the body of Christ, a biblical based Lord's supper! We need to bring it back to its Spiritual fullness, and free it of both from Roman dogmatism, and all forms and degrees of neglect.

I humbly ask you to consider this word I received for the AG in the late summer of 2010. It's been almost six years, but the Lord won't let me let it go. I make no claim to interpret on your behalf. But having said that, it seems that the AG is uniquely positioned to revive a biblical based Lord's supper as a vital part of our worship of our risen Lord Jesus, in Spirit and truth.

Furthermore, the scriptures we both love tell us that this matter involves the very "life' in us, the very salvation of souls.

Thank you for you attention to this matter. Of course I'd be willing to meet with you, or any of your delegates, even one AG pastor, about this word.  

Blessings upon you, your ministry, your family and the whole AG in Jesus Name.

Very Truly Yours in Jesus,

Br. Tobin Hitt

For a brief video of a revived Lord's Supper: http://vimeo.com/63572579

Dr. Wood responded about three hours later (COPY):

Dear Brother Hitt:

Thank you for your email. All most all of our churches commemorate the Lord's Supper on a regular basis. Thank you for your passion for this observance.

George O. Wood.

General Superintendant Assemblies of God.


We pray Lord that the Lord's Supper would be celebrated just the way you want it, and that your whole body, your whole church, would receive all manner of revelation about how you want it celebrated, in Jesus Name I pray.    





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Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.