The 5th Seder Cup of Elijah's Presence Becomes the Cup That Reveals Jesus' Ever Presence (11.18.13)
El Quinto Caliz De La Presencia De Elias Llega A Ser El Caliz Que Revela La Presencia Eternal De Jesus
Overview: Luke, the gentile patron of the Jews, in contradistinction to the other gospel evangelists, emphasizes that the Lord's Supper was a new Spiritual sacrifice acceptible to God (according to 1Peter2,5).
Resumen: Lucas, el gentil aficionado de los Judios, por contradistincion de los otro evangelistas, insiste que la cena del Senor era un nuevo sacrificio Espiritual aceptible a Dios (1Pedro2,5)
Luke does this by revealing that Jesus raised what faithful Jews knew as the "fifth cup of Elijah." This cup was usually left for the prophet Elijah at the end of the yearly ritual Passover seder. This was done because Elijah was taken up in a chariot was seen as the ever present prophet and the one to fulfill Malachi3,23 whereby a precursor prophet to the messiah turns the hearts of fathers unto their children and hearts of children unto their fathers, ie to turn all hearts to repentant faith because the messiah is arriving-has arrived. In other words, Luke, the gentile student of the Jews is emphasizing that Jesus in taking the fifth cup is both declaring that he is the messiah, and that he is instituting a new covenant whose seal will be our taking of the cup at the Lord's Supper.
Lucas hace esto por la revelacion que Jesus levantaba que los Judios conocian como "la quinta copa de Elias," habitualmente dejado por Elias, immediatemente despues de la cena de las pasquas Judias ("Passover Seder")
By so doing Jesus promised to be with us- by his presiding and comforting Spirit- until the fulfillment of all table fellowship with him at the kingdom banquet (Luke 14,15ff, Mateo 22,2ff).
Por eso Jesus prometio estar con nosotros- por su Espiritu presidiendo y dando consuelo- hasta el llenamiento de todo companarismo a la mesa o banquete de reino (Lucas 14,15ff, Mateo 22,2ff).
Corresponding Jewish Teaching
"The prophecy in Malachi 3,23, in which Elijah appears as the precursor of the Messiah who will 'turn the hearts of the children unto their fathers,' combined with the fact that he did not die, succeeded in producing the image of the ever-present prophet, wandering incognito over the earth, sometimes in the garb of a nomad, to aid in moments of distress and danger, appearing to scholars and mystics to teach them hidden truths, and acting as a celestial messenger." .......
"He [Elijah] is also associated with the Pesah Seder: the custom of a fifth cup of wine, known as the 'cup of Elijah,' has given rise to the popular belief in his [ongoing] invisible presence." (Marvin A. Sweeney, Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, 223, 1997)
Ensenanza Judaica Correspondiente
"La profecia en Malaquias 3,23, en que Elias aparece como precursor del Mesias quien 'hara volver el corazon de los hijos hacia los padres,' juntado con el hecho que el no murio, ha dejado el imagen con el pueblo fiel del profeta siempre presente, deambulando igcognito sobre la tierra, algunas veces vestido como nomada, dando caridad en momentos de estress y peligro, apareciendo a maestros y misticos ensenandolos verdades escondidas, y actuando como mensajero celestial." ...
"El [Elias] esta tambien relacionado con la cena de las pascuas de los Hebreos: el costumbre de la quinta copa, conocido como la "copa de Elias," empezo la creencia de su presencia invisible." (Ibid Dictionario Oxford De La Religion Judaica)
New Testament Focus Scriptures:
Luke 22,15-16: "And he said to them, 'I have ardently longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; because I tell you, I shall not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.' "
Luke 22,20: "In the same way the cup also, after having supped, saying. 'This [fifth cup] cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is being poured out for you.' " (NB The New English Bible is so confused by the apparent fact that verse 20 duplicates verses 17-19 that it cuts out verse 20, and leaves a hole in the text, which guts Luke's whole new Spiritual sacrifice emphasis!)
Escrituras Del Nuevo Testamento En Foco
Lucas 22,14-16: "y les dijo: intensamente he deseado comer esta pascuas con vosotros antes de padecer; 16 porque os digo que nunca mas volvere a comerla hasta que se cumpla en el reino de Dios."
Lucas 22,20: "De la misma manera tomo la copa despues de haber cenado, diciendo: Esta copa es el nuevo pacto en mi sangre, que es derramada por vosotros.' " (Se nota que La Nueva Biblia Ingles es tan confundida- que verso 20 es un error de duplicacion de los versos 17-19- que corta verso 20, dejando un bueco grande en la biblia, y ignora el enfasis de la novedad de este sacrificio espiritual de Lucas!).
Hebrew Scriptures For Background
2Kings2,11: "As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven."
Malachi3,1: "Look, I shall send my messenger to clear a way before me. And suddenly the Lord whom you seek will come to his Temple; yes the angel of the covenant, for who you long, is on his way..."
Malachi3,23: "Look, I shall send you the prophet Elijah before the great and awesome Day of Yahweh comes..."
Escrituras Hebreas Al Fondo
2Reyes2,11: "Y acontecio que mientras ellos iban andando y hablando, he aqui, aparecio un carro de fuego y caballos de fuego que separo a los dos. E Elias subio al cielo en un torbellino."
Malaquias3,1: "He aqui, yo envio a mensajero, y el preparara el camino delante de mi. Y vendra de repente a su templo al Senor a quien vosotros buscais; y el mensajero del pacto en quien vosotros os complaceis, he aqui viene,.."
Malaquias3,23: "He aqui yo os envio al profeta Elias antes que venga el dia del Senor, dia grande y terrible."
Jesus Is Our Ever Present Prophet-Messiah Presiding At His Supper
Jesus Resucitado Es Nuestro Profeta-Mesias Presidiendo a Su Cena
We come to the table of the Lord to celebrate the Lord's Supper with eyes of faith that look for him again presiding over the celebration.
Nosotros venimos a la mesa a celebrar la cena del Senor con ojos de fe que lo buscan otra vez presidiendo a nuestra celebracion.
How could Jesus still be presiding?
Como es posible que Jesus esta presidiendo a la cena ya?
Well, Jesus presided over the annual Exodus Seder meal with his apostles.
Pues, Jesus presidio a la ultima cena de las pascuas del Exodo con sus apostoles.
He immediatly thereafter then presided over the prospective, new covenant, now-we-are-free-from-sin fifth cup new seder, after the Exodus seder according to Luke 22,20. This new covenant meal was sealed by his shed blood on Calvary, and on our end by our drinking in faith the fifth cup of Elijah, the cup of the new covenant (Luke 22,20).
Y immediatamente despues presidio a la nueva cena sellando nuestra liberacion del pecado, segun la liberacion de su pueblo e los Egyptcios, El Exodo segun Lucas 22,20. Esta nueva cena- el proximo dia en la cruz- fue sellado por la sangre derramada de Jesus, y sobre nuestro lado humano quando nosotros tomamos en fe a la cena la quinta copa, la copa de la eterna presencia de Jesus con nosotros, la copa de nuevo convenio en Jesus (Lucas 22,20).
And of course he will preside at the fulfillment of these two passover seder meals, the kingdom banquet meal (Luke 22,18).
Y claro, El presidera a la llenura de estas dos cenas pasquales, en la cena del banquete (Lucas 22,18).
Paul accordingly speaks of a real communion (greek "koinonia," "fellowship" or "partnership" ) at 1Corinthians 10,16 and18.
Entonces el Apostol Pablo habla de un communion actual (Griego: "Koinonia"), un companarismo a 1Corintios1016 and 18.
All real communion with God is not symbolic but an actual Spirit (God is Spirit, John 4,24, not symbol!) to human spirit interaction with God. So when we partake of the blessed cup and bread, we experience real communion of his Spiritual blood and Spiritual body.
The only fellowship at the the Lord's supper we can experience is with Jesus as he is now, risen from the dead!
Toda communion actual con Dios no es simbolico pero un intercambio entre el Espiritu de Dios (Dios es Espiritu no simbolo!) con nuestra espiritu humana. Entonces quando compartimos del pan bendecido y de la copa bendecida (es descir consagrado), con fe, experimentamos communion actual de su sangre Espritual y su cuerpo Espiritual.
El unico companarismo a esta cena que podemos experimentar es con Jesus como es ora, Jesus resucitado!
And if he is already actually there in fellowship, and the biblical Elias typology is that his Spiritual presence is central to all Passover meals (!) then why do we Christians get our chariot wheels stuck and fail to see him presiding in Spirit at the Lord's Supper?
Y El esta ya alli en companarismo, y la tipologia de Elias tambien nos ensena que su presencia preside sobre todas las cenas pasquales, por que nosostros Christianos tenemos nuestra ruedas espirituales atascados sin ver que Jesus esta alli presidiendo a la cena?
By this fifth cup, Jesus, the prophet above all prophets, and messiah too, revealed something beyond Elijah's presence.
Por esta quinta copa, Jesus, el profeta sobre todos los profetas, y Mesias tambien, revelo algo mas alla que la presencia de Elias.
In the faith of Israel each family provided the cup of Elijah's presence at their home seders, but in our new covenant seder, the risen Christ both presides and provides the eternal food and drink we crave, food and drink with his risen presence in it.
En la fe de Israel cada famiglia provee la copa de la presencia de Elias en su casa, pero a la nueva cena pascual, Jesus resucitado ambos preside y provee la comida y bebida eternal que nos imploramos, comida y bebida con su presencia real dentro.
Our part is simply to come to the table in faith and make our blessings of the cup and bread with this real and risen faith, and then his Spirit will come into all aspects of the supper as God accepts our faith.
Nuestra responsibilidad es venir a la mesa en fe y hacer nuestras bendiciones del pan y la copa con una fe viva, y entonces su Espiritu venira en todos los aspectos de la cena como Dios acepta nuestra fe.
A Faith Memory Is More Than a Memory
cf Romans 4,17: "...God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist."
Una Memoria De Fe Es Mas Que Una Memoria
cf Romanos 4,17: "..Dios, que da vida a los muertos y llama a las cosas que no existen, como si existieran."
Jesus commands us to celebrate the new spiritual sacrifice of the Lord's supper- to do it in "memory" or "remembrance" of him (1Corinthians11,24). But here again we can't forget that in the Eastern mindset of the bible a memory in the faith-spirit realm, can be so vivid that it becomes a living and actual, if not physical, part of our life.
Jesus nos commando a celebrar este nuevo sacrificio espiritual de la cena y hacerla en su memoria (1Corintios11,24). Pero aqui otra vez no podemos olvidar que en la mente oriental de la biblia una memoria en la fe, puede ser tan viva, tan vivida, que llaga a ser algo viviente y actual y presente, se no aun fisical, pero parte de nuestra vida.
For example, the memory, and the presence of Elijah, becomes the updated living actuality of John the Baptist: "And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come."(Matthew 11,14).
Por ejemplo, la memoria, y la presencia de Elias ha llagado a ser la nueva y actual presencia de Juan El Baustista: "Y si quereis aceptarlo, el es Elias, el que habia de venir." (Mateo,11,14)
This presence of Elijah in the Baptist is a spiritual fact that comes by way of revelation which only can be discovered- per the words of Jesus- by applying present faith to the memory of Elijah. Thusly, Jesus teaches that the Baptist fulfills Malachi 3,23 and he himself fulfills 3,1 (we also remember at the table that we are temples of the Holy Ghost and Galatians 2,20 "not I who live but Christ who [Spiritually] lives in me.").
Esta presencia de Elias en el Bautista es un hecho espiritual que viene por revelacion que solamente puede ser descubierto por fe applicada a la memoria de Elias. Entonces, Jesus ensena que el Bautista se cumpla Malaquias 3,23 and el mismo Jesus se cumpla 3,1. (se nota que nosotros somos Templos por su Espiritu y Galatas 2,20 "ya no soy yo el que vive, sino que Christo vive en mi..")
Likewise by our vivid memory of Jesus' death and resurrection, and faith applied to his living memory, we discover by way of revelation the Spiritual fact that his eternal risen presence, now and here in the bread and cup, and our Temples.
Asi por nuestra memoria viva de su muerte y resurrecion, y por fe concentrada y applicada a su memmoria, nos descubriamos por revelacion el hecho espiritual que su presencia resucitada esta dentro del pan y la copa, y nosotros tambien!
Moreover, as we have seen at Leviticus 6,15, and in Lord's table meditation n.5 and Leviticus 2, a memorial portion offering of fine flour (corresponding to the bread-body of the supper), a physical substance, was made a fiery spiritual holocaust, just as the bread and wine on our table, by our faith and his presiding and "burning" presence becomes real Spirit food and real Spirit drink, a Spiritual "holocaust," his risen presence recognized in the breaking of the bread (Luke 24,35).
Ademas, como hemos visto ya en Levitico6,15 (en meditacion n. 5 y Levitico 2), una porcion memorial de harina fina (correspondiente al pan-cuerpo de la cena), una sostancia fisical, estaba hecho una olocausto espiritual, asi como el pan y vino de nuestra mesa, por nuestra fe, y su presidiendo presencia llega a ser comida y bebida Espiritual, olocausto Espiritual, su presencia resucitado y reconocido el la fraccion del pan (Lucas 24,35).
Practical Upshot: Do You Have Eyes To See Jesus Present in Spirit
Remate Prctical: Teines Ojos A Ver Jesus Presente En Espirtu
The Lord put it to me this way.
El Senor me ha dado una explicacion final sobre esta meditacion en esta manera.
If you were at a great and festive occasion, and you didn't think that the one you really wanted to see was there- you wouldn't be too enthusiastic about being there, or maybe you would not attend at all.
Se tu estabas una celebracion importante, y no pensabas que su amado o amada estuvieras alli- no tendrias mucho entusiasmo y tal vez o no asisterias por nada.
But if you knew, with the certainty of all that you hope for (Hebrews 11,1), that your favorite person is there you'd go and be enthused to find that person there.
Pero se en la fe, con la certitud y confianza de todas su esperanzas (Hebreos 11,1) tu sabia y conocia que su mas querido estaba alli, tu asistierias con entusiasmo.
So it is when we partake at his table with eyes open to the fullness of our biblical truths. We will "see" him leading us there, presiding there, and then offering himself in Spiritual communion as well.
Asi es quando compartimos de su mesa, su altar, con ojos abiertos a la llenura de las verdades biblicas. Nosotros veremos El, quiandonos a la mesa, y entonces ofreciendo su mismo en companarismo tambien.
For video of the Lord's Supper:
Preaching Hour TV weekly on Cox PATV Channel 15 in Cheshire, Southington and Meriden CT and on VCAM Channel 15 10pm Fridays in Burlington VT.
read more...THE FOUNDER
Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.