A Symbol And The Physical Body and Blood Of Jesus That No Longer Exists Can't be Profaned But The Risen Consecrated Body And Blood Of Jesus Can
This is the 43rd table of the Lord Meditation- There's always more to learn about a bible based and revived Lord's Supper at the Lord's Table.
Focus Scriptures
"Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and offered unauthorized [or "strange" fire in several versions] fire before the Lord contrary to his command. So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord." Leviticus10,1-2 NIV
(profanation-desecration is human disobedience to God's cultic or other commands that spoils and ruins the sacred character and Spiritual results of those commands, taking them out of the range of God's sacred and making them profane. cf. Ariel Seri-Levi March 24,2016 "Torah Portion of The Week, The Sacred And The Profane" Haarretz.com)
God Shows Himself Holy, Shows His Holy Spirit, In The Priestly Hebrew Cult And In NT Spiritual Sacrficies Done By His New Priesthood
"Among those who approach me [the Hebrew priests] I will show myself holy; in the sight of the people I will be honored."Leviticus 10,3 NIV
"Anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of desecrating the body and blood of the Lord [desecrating the risen body and blood at the supper, eating and drinking judgement unto themselves v. 29, and lessening or hindering God's presence at the supper]." 1Corinthians11,27 NEB
"If, then, anyone takes the bread and cup of the Lord in a wrong spirit, he will be responsible for the body and blood of the Lord." 1Corinthians11,27 BBE
Profanation-Disobedience is the Wrong Spirit That Brings Some Form Of Punishment For The Profaner
Strongs N. 1777 per Thayers Greek English Lexicon p. 217 translates 1Corinthians11,27 as "guilty of a crime committed against the body and blood of the Lord."
Individual Punishment For Christians Who Profane The Body And Blood- Weakness, sickness, even death:
"That is why many among you are weak and sick and a number of you have fallen alseep." (ie died) 1Corinthians10,30
Why Wasn't The Whole Lord's Supper Spiritual Sacrifice Ruined?
Curiously the NT biblical based spiritual sacrifice of Lord's Supper referred to in 1Corinthians11 was not spoiled by the individual priestly disobedience-profanity of one or several folks.
It would seem that the desecration of the body and blood by some (or many?) of the Christian priestly community in Corinth did not make the entire Spiritual sacrifice of the Lord's supper profane. In other words, it wasn't ruined by the lack of faith, or disobedience, or the errant spirit of some folks.
In this we can take comfort, knowing that no church body is perfect, and no local priesthood that makes up the local church is perfect. And thank God it takes a lot to ruin the awesome spiritual provision and revelation of the Lord's table.
Whereas, the profanation of Aaron's sons of offering "strange" fire ruined the whole offering, and cost them their lives right then and there!
My first thought about this difference would be that Jesus is especially present at His table as both our perfect high priest and merciful Lord and savior. He is the only sinless one, the only sinless Hebrew and New Testament priest. When we "do this" spiritual sacrifice in His name it brings some degree of His abundant mercy to all those in attendance- even though the profaners are not going to be without some form of eventual physical or spiritual correction, rebuke, or word of knowledge: "Those I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent." Revelation3,19
And meanwhile, this important and supremely unifying celebration- there in Corinth- is for the most part being celebrated by former pagan gentiles with no well developed biblical and Holy Ghost sense of the difference between the sacred and profane. Thus, Jesus allows the church in Corinth to develop and thrive, rather than invite public scandal surrounding the supper as the fledgling Corinthian Christian-priests learn to walk in their universal priesthood with holy faith.
I'd also add that our priestly blessing of the bread and wine in His Name not only invites His confirmatory consecration of them, but also his interceding mercy and further revelation on the whole community. Thus, in God mercy, He sees no pressing need to interupt the Lord's supper because a few undiscerning folks lack faith.
Thus, the actual profanation, ie the undiscerning celebration of some without squaring their present lives up with the cross of Calvary by some slackers among the universal priesthood in Corinth- whether by ignorance or other neglect or worse- does not spoil Jesus' faithful presence, the unifying nature of the celebration, and the rich blessings and revelations provided for His discerning priesthood.
We sort of know this from church practice, but we rarely have the courage to verbalize how often the Lord prevents any wrong spirit from overtaking a service, a preaching-teaching, or the important celebration of the Lord's Supper.
It's OK for the profaning tares to exist with the faithfully discerning wheat.
As God's Universal Priesthood We Eagerly Offer The Spiritual Sacrifice Of The Lord's Supper
Wouldn't it be very odd and unbiblical if the inerrant Word of God called us a new priesthood of both Jews and gentiles (1Peter2,5 and 9), but then did not give us some sort of sacrifice or sacrifices to celebrate?
Yet priests is exactly what and who we all are according to 1Peter2, one new gospel-priestly people-Jews and gentiles- called to announce the wonders of His salvation.
It would not only be odd not to celebrate any type of sacrifices as a new priesthood, but it would also make our new universal Holy Ghost ordained priesthood status, superfluous, meaningless, just another boast and empty claim. But this "priesthood" is far more than a supefluous word, or boastful claim or wordly title. It is the partial fulfillment of God's prophecy that his people would be a kingdom of priests. Exodus19,6.
I also see adult personal faith full immersion baptism (Mark16,16), offering our bodies as living sacrifice (Roman12,1), as another holy spiritual sacrifice for God's one new gospel priesthood. This baptism being the fitting expression of this new priesthood's holiness and commitment in every generation of history, just as Christians of old faced the hostile and fleshly Greco Roman world that made faithful martyrs of them who would not confess loyalty to any parading Caesar, but only the risen Jesus.
The second major spiritual sacrifice of God's new priesthood is the celebration of the Lord's supper which Jesus prophesied, commanded, and celebrated the night before His death. "Do this in memory of me." (Luke22,19) Paul fleshes out this living or Spiritual memorial in 1Corinthians10 and 11.
1Corinthians10,3-4 sets the stage for the parallel of the Israelites miraculous feeding by God in the desert by God's provision of "spiritual food and spiritual drink." Likewise, in John's deeply expressive and rich gospel this parallel between the miraculous desert provisions and the supper-Lord's table provision is continued.
Accordingly, Jesus prophesies that His risen flesh at the supper is "real food" and "real drink" at John6,55, spiritual food and drink, miraculous food and drink, the risen flesh and risen blood consecrated at the table, at the one supper and one table for his universal priesthood.
We all- as priests and faithers- all must eat and are entitled to eat of his risen flesh (John6,53, "unless you eat my [spiritual, eating Jesus Spiritual flesh makes us one body in Him] flesh and drink my blood, you have no [salvation, Holy Ghost life] life in you."
Expansive Holy Ghost Spiritual View Of Supper Fits In With Jesus Teaching His Priesthood Deeply
The Word of God always guides, and teaches and corrects, and we gladly continue learning about it and keeping it.
And after our adult water baptism, and the vitally linked baptism of the Holy Ghost, promised to all the adult baptized (Acts2,36-39), the Word often gives us a deeper and more expansive Holy Ghost meaning and understanding about what His Word is actually and fully saying.
This is especially true when it comes to the Lord's supper which has suffered much from Roman dogmatism after the unbiblical clerical appropriation of the supper and Protestant neglect, especially since the reformers stopped blessing the bread and wine as the church entered the 20th century.
1Corinthians11,27 Speaks Of An Actual Desecration By Some Priests At The Spiritual Sacrifice of the Lord's Supper
Now we will move on the especially difficult issue raised by 1Corinthinas11,27 itself, that of profanation, of desecration.
Of what body? And what blood?
Some of God's new priestly people have not come to the table and supper clean and discerning, not looking at what Jesus did on Calvary for each of them, not realizing their holy priesthood , not realizing their need for actual holiness while offering this spiritual sacrifice, not realizing the requirement for repentance and love and generosity for the whole body of the local church.
In sum, they have come in the wrong spirit. (See the BBE verse above.)
Many translations are worded in such a way that the profaning priests here at the table profane the physical body and blood of Jesus on Calvary. The idea here is that the profaners say they are Christians and attend the church gathering but are still dead and unregenerate as evidenced by tha fact that they are still sinning, ie they are undiscerning and cavalier about celebrating the Lord's supper.
But, how can that physical body and blood of Jesus ever be profaned again now that it no longer exists? We know it doesn't exist because 1Corinthians50-53 speaks about only spiritual and glorified eternal bodies in heaven. This is the standard of God's word.
I can understand the idea of profaning the memory of Jesus body and blood- the memory of His suffering and death on Calvary, if we still sin after first faith. But this 27th verse here says the sinners are sinning specifically at the supper, and about the supper, and even more specifically profaning, sinning against His "body and blood" (which doesn't physically exists anymore). So this body and blood must be His risen body and blood, the only body and blood that exists now, the body and blood brought down, blessed down, by our Holy Ghost blessing of the cup and bread per 1Corinthians10,16, and Jesus' confirmatory blessing of our personally faithful celebration of our priesthood.
So the only thing the profaners truly can profane- can bring a wrong faith and wrong spirit to- is the risen body and blood! Thus, Hebrews10,5 in its fullness says "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire [continuing animal sacrifices], but a body you prepared for me"- a once and finally offered physical body, offered in physical sacrifice once, which no longer exists, but also prepared a risen body, risen in glory and present at the supper, with the risen Spiritul everflowing blood of the eternally immolated lamb (Revelation13,8), slain from the foundation of the world!
Oh glory!
Meanwhile, symbols don't have a holy Spirit to profane.
Physical bodies that don't exist anymore can't technically be profaned- because a body that does not exist anymore- can't be part of what is by definition a living or spiritual sacrifice according to New testament priestly sacrifice, let alone be profaned at that spiritual sacrifice.
But a spiritual sacrifice offered by some at the Lord's supper- with a wrong and worldly-fleshy spirit- can profane the risen Spirit of Jesus in the blessed bread and wine, or at least profane in relation to themselves, in that their partaking of the holy and risen body and blood with a profane lack of faith, makes such Holy body and blood foreign to them because their lack of faith has rendered them profane in relation to the holy and sacred risen body and blood.
These profane folks have blessed the cup (and the bread) among and with God's one priestly people (1Corinthians10,16). They tried to consecrate the bread and wine, to make it holy, but they themselves were not in the right spirit. They didn't have the right personal faith to be in the right Spirit that day.
So they shouldn't have blessed anything that day or any other day until their personal faith had put them again in the same and right Spirit as Jesuis Himself, our great high priest.
But praise Jesus, as the lamb slain before the foundation of the world, now the risen man-God lamb slain before the salvation of the world, still lets the miraculous and Spiritual sacrifice of His people bear real Spiritual food, and real Spiritual drink, the risen body and blood of Jesus, that a few folks profaned back in the day in pagan Corinth.
So despite the occasional or repeated profanation of the risen body and blood at the living spiritual sacrifice of the Lord's Supper by profane individuals, God's new priesthood people, His overcoming gospel people proceeded as planned per Jesus' command there in pagan Corinth according to the Word of our One merciful Lord and Great High Priest.
And thereby, formerly pagan Corinth learned about the sacred and the profane. They learned not to mess around with the Holy Ghost at the spiritual sacrifice known as the Lord's Supper which takes place I might add at His table!
Yes, indeed! The Lord's table and the Lord's supper is a sacred place for a new and personally faithful sacred priesthood, all called, equipped and taught by Jesus, all called, equipped, and taught to know what His redeemed and Spirit filled body of believers is doing at His supper and His table.
Oh glory we don't hunger and thirst for dogmas and symbols- we hunger and thirst for Jesus, the bread of life, and every Word from His lips, and His risen body and blood that we all receive at His table, after we and Jesus bless the bread and cup, as His one new gospel priesthood. This is our spiritual sacrifice according to the Word, our fitting praise of our one Lord and savior, our one high priest.
All praise and honor and glory be His now and forever!
Br. Tobin
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Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.