Physical Sacrifice Ended Upon Jesus' Death, So Began Era of Spiritual Sacrifices
Los Sacrificios Fisicales Acabo Con La Muerte De Jesus, Asi Empieza La Epoca De Los Sacrificios Espirituales
Is the Lord's Supper A Spiritual Sacrifice?
Es La Cena Del Senor Un Sacrificio Espiritual?
You decide.
Decides Tu.
Our answer is way important because once this is captured by faith and rendered into our spirits, a whole new expanse of fertile faith opens.
Nuestra respuesta es summamnte importante porque de una vez que comprendamos esta realidad, hay abierto nuevos campos de fe biblica para nuestras iglesias.
Focus Scriptures:
Escrituras Primarias:
1Corinthians10,16: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?"
1Corintios10,16: "La copa de bendicion que bendecimos, no es la participacion [communion, gr. Koinonia] en la sangre de Christo? El pan que partimos, no es la participacion en el cuerpo de Christo?
Romans 15,16: "His grace has made me a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles; and in the service of the gospel of God it is my priestly task to offer the Gentiles to him as an acceptable sacrifice, consecrated by the Holy Spirit." (REB)
Romanos 15,16: "para ser ministro de Christo Jesus a los gentiles, ministrando a manera de sacerdote el evangelio de Dios, a fin de que la ofrenda que hago de los gentiles sea aceptable, santificada por el Espiritu Santo."
See also Acts 13,1-2 and Romans 1,9, Acts 10,4-5 (memorial is more than a memory!), and 1Peter2,9 for same idea of sacrificial-priestly service.
REB, Vean Uds tambien Hechos 13,1-2 y Romanos 1,9, Hechos10,4-5 (una memorial es mas que una memoria!), y 1Pedro2,9 por esta misma idea de servicio sacrificial y sacerdotal.
Hebrews 9,27-28: "Just as it is our human lot to die once, with judgment to follow, so Christ was offerred once to bear the sins of mankind, and will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him."
Hebreos 9,27-28: "Y asi como esta decretado que los hombres mueran una vez, y despues de esto, el juicio, asi tambien Christo, habiendo sido ofrecido una vez para llevar los pecados de muchos, aparecera por segunda vez, sin relacion con el pecado, para la salvacion de los que ansiosamente le esperan."
1Peter2,5: "You also, as living stones, must be built up into a spiritual temple, and form a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
1Pedro2,5: "tambien vosotros, como piedras vivas, sed edificados como casa espiritual para un sacerdocio santo, para ofrecir sacrificios espirituales aceptables por medio de Jesuscristo."
(fulfilling Exodus 19,6- God always wanted his entire people to be priests.)
(cumpliendo Exodo 19,6- Dios simepre queria todo su pueblo ser sacerdotes!)
Bible Logic Says The Lord's Supper Is A Spiritual Sacrifice
La Logica Biblica Dice Que La Cena Del Senor Es Un Sacrificio Espirtual
There's a certain bible logic and consistancy, but sometimes until we unpack this logic, it is difficult to understand the meaning of biblical terms which come to us from completely different cultures, and then only after thousands of years.
Hay un cierto logico y consistencia a la biblia, pero de vez en quando hasta nos comprendamos este logico, es dificil comprender lo signifcado de los terminos que vienen de culturas completemente diversas, y despues de miles de anos.
The term "spiritual sacrifice" from 1Peter2,5 is one such bible term, especially for us non Jewish Christians.
El termino "sacrificio espiritual" de 1Pedro2,5 es un ejemplo biblico de este desafio, especialmente por nosotros fieles no Judaicas.
Whereas for first century Jewish Christians, steeped in the requirements of the Temple cult that required various physical-blood sacrifices, a spiritual sacrifice would firstly be something that didn't involve the death of any living thing or any physical blood.
Mientras por los fieles del primer siglo, educados en los requisitos del culto del Templo en Jerusalen y los numerosos sacrificios fisicales, un sacrificio espiritual primaramente seria algo que no implica la muerte de ningun animal o persona, o ningun sangre.
The Lord's Supper fits this first distinction and also meets the requirement of Hebrews 9,28, in that Christ was once and for all offerred.
La cena del Senor suena con esta primera caracteristica y tambien Hebreos 9,28 que nos dice que Christo fue ofrecido una vez y para todos.
In other words, all sacrifices after him, to be valid, must be Spiritual sacrifices, that is "living" sacrifices, offered by his holy priesthood, his living stones in the one living and still standing new, faith Temple (cf 1Peter2,5).
These sacrifices are offered to God through the risen Jesus not through Jesus on the cross.
En otras palabras, todos sacrificios despues de el, se deben ser sacrificios espirituales, vivientes, ofrecido por su santo sacerdocio, sus piedras vivientes componiendo el unico y nuevo Templo (cf 1Pedro2,5), ofrecidos solamente a Dios por el Jesus resucitado.
Since Luke was the only non Jewish correspondent in the whole New Testament, it's not surprising that the term "spiritual sacrifice" was not more fully explained. Jews understood physical sacrifice, so likewise spiritual sacrifice. The bible is primarily their story, their way of understanding things.
Como Lucas fue el unico corresponsal gentile en el Nuevo Testamento, no es sorpresa que "sacrificio espiritual" no fue mas explicada. Judios comprendaban sacrificios fisicales, y asi sacrificios espirituales. La biblia es primeramente su storia, su manera de entender y toca a nosotros non Judios la responsibilidad de comprender su cultura a comprender nuestra biblia unica.
For example, they knew it was God's heart that all his people would be priests since Exodus 19,6. They knew that priests were about the business of sacrificing.
Por ejemplo, todos los ellos sabian que fue el corazon de Dios que todo su pueblo serian sacerdotes hasta Exodo19,6. Ellos sabian que el negocio de sacerdotes fue sacrificando.
They also came from a culture that had raised and butchered livestock and was therefore familiar with blood, and the distinction between physical and spiritual.
Venian tambien de una cultura de pastores de animales que han matado ganaderia y entonces fueron familiar con sangre, y la diferencia entre un sacrificio fisical y espiritual.
Blood and sacrifice and priesthood were just part of their history, their cult and their culture.
Sangre y sacrificio y sacerdocio estaban partes fundamentales de su storia cultural y su culto.
In contrast, it would have been helpful for us Gentile Christians, then and today, who didn't come out of the temple sacrificial system, if Paul said the Lord's supper is a spiritual sacrifice, but just because he, or Jesus, didn't explicitly say this (Jesus prophesied it at the last supper and in the synagogue in Capernaum) doesn't mean that isn't what scripture defines it to be (see John 6,49-63, especially v. 63: it is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words [the prophetic words about eating his "body" and drinking his blood at the last supper, Mark 14,18-21; Luke22,19-22 and eating his flesh and drinking his blood at John 6,54] that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.")
En contrasto, serian ayudable para nosotros fieles gentiles, alli en el imperio griego-romano y hoy, quien no venian de la sistema sacrificial del Templo, se Pablo o Jesus decia exactemente que la cena fue un sacrificio espiritual (fue profecia a la ultima cena y en la sinagoga en Capernaum), pero este hecho no significaba que esto no es exactemente como la escritura defina y describe la cena (Juan6,49-63, especialmente v. 63: El Espiritu es el que da vida; la carne para nada aprovecha; las palabras [su profecia al' ultima cena sobre comiendo su cuerpo Marcos 14,18-21; Lucas 22,19-22 y sobre comiendo su carne y tomando su sangre ] que yo os he hablado son espiritu y son vida.")
So, before we can minimize the Lord's supper as a mere symbolic thing that makes a mental note of Calvary, or change it to our own cultural or denominational interpretation, we have to take a look at certain scriptures that reveal the logic of the new Spiritually sacrificial era that began after Christ's shed blood and death on Calvary.
Entonces, y ademas, antes banalizamos la cena como nada mas que algo symbolico que nos requiere una nota mental de Calvario, o la cambiamos a nuestro gusto ecclesiastico o tradicione cultural, se necesitamos ver ciertas escrituras que revelan lo logico de esta nueva epoca de sacrificios espirituales que empezo despues de la sangre derramada de Christo.
One such scripture that reveals the biblical logic of the Lord's Supper as a spiritual sacrifice is 1Corinthians10,16-22. (Table of the Lord Meditation N. 13). Paul is gently reminding the church that their spiritual communion- whether with God or with demons- comes from which table-altar they or we gather round, the table-altar of the living God of Israel or that of idols.
Una escritura notable que revela lo logico biblico de la cena como sacrificio espiritual es 1Corintios10,16-22. (Meditacion de La mesa N. 13). Pablo es suavemente recordando para la communidad que su communion espiritual- o con Dios o demonios- viene de cual mesa o altar ellos buscan, la mesa o altar del Dios viviente de Israel, o de los idolos de la cultura.
But please note the logic.
As soon as we have a table, as Paul unmistakably points out in v. 21, and something is put on it, and blessed (that is set apart, consecrated, v.16), and gifted, or offered-raised to God, we have a sacrifice.Any discussion of just symbols at this point is not textual.
Por favor notan uds lo logico.
Apenas tenemos una mesa, como Pablo describe en v. 21, y algo puesto sobre el altar, y bendecido (es decir consagrado v. 16), y ofrecido a Dios, ya tenemos un especie de sacificio. No hay mas discussion de "solamante symbolos" a este punto.
This is clearly not a physical sacrifice- Christ was offerred once and for all (Hebrews 9,28), and when his body rose, he had no more physicality, with blood in it anyway, to offer.
Claramente, la cena no es un sacrificio fisical- Christo fue ofrecido una vez por todos (Hebreos 9,28), y cuando su cuerpo alzo, no tenia mas fisicalidad, o mejor dicho fisicalidad con sangre, para ofrecir.
And the Lord's supper is not just about symbols because symbols have no need to be put on a table, or to be blessed, or offerred to God, or consumed as Spiritual sustenance.
Y la cena del Senor no puede ser solamente sobre symbolos porque no es necessario en ningun modo poner symbolos sobre un altar o mesa, o bendecir, o consumir symbolos.
Nor are symbols the actual subject of our "communion." Our first and actual source of communion is with a living God (according to 1John1,3 and 1Corinthians10,16), who is Spirit (John4,24)!
Ni son symbolos la sustancia o argomento de nuestra communion. Nuestro primer y unico fuente de communion es nuestro Dios viviente, nuestro Dios mismo (1Juan1,3 y 1Corintios10,16), quien es Espiritu (John4,24)!
Who ever heard of eating symbols?
Quien ha oido de comer symbolos?
We don't eat symbols at the Lord's supper.
No comimos symbolos a la Cena del senor.
We eat real food and drink (John 6,55), realer than real food, that is Spiritual food and drink with resurrectional faith at a Spiritual sacrifice.
Comimos comida verdadera y bebida verdadera (Juan 6,55), mas real que comida real, comida y bebida espiritual que viene como regalo de Dios en respuesta a nuestra fe resurrecional alredor la mesa.
And it's not just a memory either.
No es solamente memoria tambien.
Jesus said "do this in memory of me" (Matthew 26,26-28; Mark 14,22-24;Luke 22,19; 1Corinthians 11,24).
Jesus decia "hagan esto en memoria mia." (Matteo 26,26-28; Marcos 14,22-24; Lucas 22,19; 1Corintios 11,24)
That is, do this covenant-ratifying, Spiritual memorial-meal. He didn't say do the memory of it, or remember a meal, but do this covenant- ratifying meal- this prophesied Spiritually sacrificial resurrection meal, that calls down his presence, in his memory.
Es decir, hagan uds esta cena de ratificaccion del nuevo convenio-testamento. Jesus no decia hacemos la memoria, o solamante recordar la ultima cena, pero El decia en profecia hagan uds esta memorial- es decir- este sacrificion Espiritual, ofrecir la copa e y el pan de y bendeciendolos, y por su fe, se ratificaran el convenio otra vez y abajo viene su presencia, en su memoria..
If it were just a static memory, this begs the reasonable question "why were we commanded to do something by Jesus that clearly involves a table, blessings, and an offering, and partaking of a meal-communion, if it were just an in memory thing?"
Si estaba solamante una memoria estatica, podemos preguntar "por que fuimos demandados hacer algo por Jesus que tiene una mesa-altar, bendiciones, una ofrenda, una cena-communion, se fue solamente una memoria?"
No, Jesus commanded more than rememebring a memory. He commanded that we celebrate a living memory, an acceptable memorial, a spiritual sacrifice acceptable to and through him (this is the exact problem Paul is having in Corinth, 1Corinthians 10-11).
In Table of the Lord Meditation n. 13 we established that even Cornelius' almsgiving were a "memorial offering" (Acts 10,3-4) a spiritual sacrifice, how much more something that actually involves a table, blessings, an offering, actual communion by means of the blessed bread and cup!
No, Jesus esta demandando mas que el recordar su memoria. Comandaba que celebramos su memoria viviente, como una memorial aceptable, como un sacrificio aceptable a el y por el (el exacto pleito de Pablo sobre la flojeria espiritual sobre la cena, 1Corintios 10-11).
En Meditacion N. 13 hemos establecido que aun los hechos de caridad de Cornelio estaban un ofrenda memorial (Hechos 10,3-4), es decir un sacrificio espirtual, quanto mas la cena que tiene una mesa, bendiciones, una ofrenda, y communion actual por medio del pan bendecido y la copa bendecida!
Consider also Exodus 24,11, regarding celebrating the Sinai covenant meal. The seventy and Moses saw God in their presence, and then they ate. God's Spiritual and actual presence meant thier meal-communion sacrifice was acceptable to him. Then, only after his acceptance they took their portion of the meal.
Tomar en cuenta tambien Exodo 24,11, que nos ensena de la comida celebrando y ratificando el convenio de Sinai. Los setanta miro Dios en su presencia, y entonces han comido. La presencia actual de Dios significa que la comida sacrificial, fisical, fue aceptable a el. Entonces, solamente despues de su aceptacion ellos tomaron su porcion del la comida sacrificada.
The Exodus communion meal was a real event, not a memory, with a real and present God, and with real food and drink, just so the Lord's Supper, when offerred with a rightful and obedient faith.
Esta comida de communion ratificando el convenio de Sinai fue una realidad experimentada, una memorial, mas que una memoria, con un Dios real y presente, con comida real y bebida real, asi es la cena del Senor, quando es ofrecido con una fe obediente.
So, if it's not just about symbols and just a memory of Calvary, and it's not a physical sacrifice, yet it still has a table, blessings and an offering, and if it is done with rightful faith it brings the communion presence of God, it's fair to say it's a spiritual sacrifice according to 1Peter2,5.
Entonces, se no es solamente sobre symbolos o una memoria de su muerte, y no es un sacrificio fisical, pero ya tiene una mesa, y bendiciones, una ofrenda, y es hecho con una fe justa que trae la cummunion y presencia actual de Dios, es justo decir que es un sacrificio espiritual segun 1Pedro2,5.
More Bible Logic That Says the Lord's Supper Is A Spiritual Sacrifice
Mas Logico Biblico Que Dice Que La Cena Es Un Sacrificio Espiritual
1Corinthians 10-11 is convincing in and of itself of the proposition that the Lord's Supper is a Spiritual sacrifice, but it also serves to realize that this same bible logic is also amply found elsewhere in the New Testament as well.
1Corintios10-11 esta convincente por el proposito que la cena es un sacrificio espiritual, pero sirve tambien que nosotro realizamos que esta mismo logico es encontrado en muchas otras partes del Nuevo Testamento.
In fact, Paul at Romans 1,9 and 15,16 (see also Acts 13,1-2) uses this same idea of sacrificially or sacredly ministering when he refers to his spread of the gospel to the gentiles, by preaching.
En realidad, Pablo a Romanos 1,9 y 15,16 (Vean Uds tambien Hechos 13,1-2) usa esta misma idea de ministrando sacrificialmente quando se refiere a su proclamacion del evangelio a los gentiles, por predicacion.
This is all the more convincing in that Paul is a Pharisee (Acts23,6), not a priestly and Temple Saduccee, yet he sees preaching as a priestly task! (we remember 1Peter 2,5, a holy priesthood of all faithers, charged with declaring the praises and miraculous wonders of Jesus risen from the dead, 1Peter2,9).
Este es summanmente convincente porque Pablo, el fariseo (Hechos23,6), no un sacerdote Sadduceo, pero el comprende su predicacion como sacrificio espiritiual, como una servicio sacerdotal! (recordamos otra vez 1Pedro2,5), un sacerdocio de todos los fieles, encargado con el papal de declarar las maraviglias de Jesus resucitado.
A sacrificial task.
Un trabajo sacrificial.
A Spiritual task.
Un trabajo Espiritual.
All of us Christians could be having a breakthrough moment here, all together now.
Todos nosotro Christianos- cada especie de Catolicos y Protestantes podriamos tener un momento de logro largo, todo juntos ahora.
Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Baker, 2000, at n. 3000 and n. 3008 describes sacredly ministering according to the three scriptures above in these terms: "To be busied with sacred things; to perform sacred rites; used especially of person's sacrificing."
As as a verb, it's about ministering in the manner of a priest, including according to the Apostle Paul, preaching the gospel.
El lexico Thayer Del Nuevo Testamanto, Baker, 200, at n. 3000 and n. 3008, describe ministrando sagrademente segun estas mismas escrituras: "Ser ocupados con cosas sagradas, cumplir ritos sagrados, especialmente de personas sacrificando." Como un verbo, es ministrando en la manera de sacerdote, incluyendo el appstol Pablo predicando el evangelio.
Take a moment to read Romans 15,16 above and note that Paul defines and elaborates upon his whole apostolic ministry of service as a Spiritual sacrifice so that the gentiles would be an acceptable offering to Jesus, that is consecrated to God.
Toma un minuto a leer otra vez Romanos 15,16 y se nota que Pablo delimita y define su ministerio apostolico como un sacrificio al motivo que los gentiles serian una ofrenda aceptable a Jesus, consagrados tambien a el.
Some of you alert readers might also now even be thinking of Romans 12,1: "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service."
Algunos de ustedes, todos astutos en un tamano largo por el Espiritu, estan pensando en Romanos 12,1: "que presenteis vuestros cuerpos como sacrificio vivo y santo, aceptable a Dios, ques es su culto racional."
If presenting our physical bodies, temples of the Holy Ghost, is a living or Spiritual sacrifice, if the charitible acts faith by the Roman Cornelius are a "memorial offering", if Paul's preaching to gentiles is a Spiritual sacrifice, how much the bread and wine offered to God and blessed by God, and the experience of communion with God is a Spiritual sacrifice.
Si presentandose nuestros cuerpos fisicales, templos del Espiritu Santo, es un sacrificio espiritual, si los hechos de una caridad agape de un Romano Cornelio han ascendidos "como memorial" (Hechos10,4), como sacrificio espitual, se la predicacion de Pablo a los gentiles es un sacrificio espiritual, quanto mas el pan y vino ofrecido y bendecido como memorial a nuestro Jesus resucitado y gozado como communion Espiritual, es un sacrificio Espiritual.
Priestly and Spiritual sacrifices, for the Christian priesthood, are varied, and like everywhere. But the Lord's Supper is the only Spiritual sacrifice that comes to us as a public ordinance and comandment of Jesus himself.
Los sacrificios espirituales por los fieles sacerdotes son varios y se puede ser encontrados en todas partes. Pero la cena del Senor es el unico sacrificio espiritual que viene a nosotros como ordinanza publica y mandamiento de Jesus.
Conclusion: What Do You Say The Lord's Supper Is?
Conclusion: Que Dices Tu De La Cena Del Senor"
And if the bible says preaching the gospel, which we in our unbiblical cultural logic might have thought was way far from any "sacrifice," really is a Spiritual sacrifice, then how much more the Lord's Supper, with the Table, the consecretory blessing, and the communion fellowship with God?
Si la biblia dice que la predicacion del evangelio, que nuestra logica cultural diria no es sacrificio, es sacrificio espiritual, entonces quanto mas la cena del Senor, con la mesa-altar, la bendicion consagratoria, y la communion actual con Dios?
The logic of the New Testament is that the Lord's Supper is a Spiritual sacrifice (not to mention an ordinance of our Lord) that opens to a whole new expanse of fertile faith for all God's people, an expanse that updates and fulfills the Jerusalem Temple sacrificial system of the Hebrew Scriptures, and leaves us as God's new Spiritual House feasting on the real and living Spiritual sustenance of Jesus, fitting sustenance for fitting temples.
Lo Logico del Nuevo Testamento es que la cena es un sacrificio Espiritual. Esta nueva comprension abre campos de fe biblica, y tambiem moderniza y consuma el sistema sacrificial del Templo y la Escrituras Hebreas. Tambien nos deje como nueva casa de Dios dando banquete y recibiendo banquete sobre la sustancia Espirtual de Jesus, sustancia perfecta para nuestros templos del Espiritu.
A memory of Calvary?
Una memoria del Calvario?
Symbols of his death and resurrection?
Symbolos de su muerte y resurrecion?
Or, a Spiritual Sacrifice that opens us all to a fuller understanding of the new way humankind approaches God and is fed by him too?
O, un sacrificio espiritual que nos abre a un entendimiento mas lleno de la nueva manera como nosostros humanos acercamos a Dios a recibir nueva sustancia de el.
What do you say the Lord's Supper is? Que dices tu sobre la cena del Senor?
For video of supper:
Preaching Hour TV weekly on Cox PATV Channel 15 in Cheshire, Southington and Meriden CT and on VCAM Channel 15 10pm Fridays in Burlington VT.
read more...THE FOUNDER
Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.