John G. Lake On Spiritual Hunger
John G. Lake Stirs Us To Faithfully Pray For the Desires Of Our Heart (vol. 3, 10-13-10)
"Friends, there is a something in the call of the soul that is creative. It brings things to pass. Don't you know that when the supreme desire of your heart goes out to God, that all the spiritual energy of your nature and the power of God that come to you begin to concentrate and work along that certain line and form, and there comes by the unconscious creative exercise of faith into being that which your soul calls for. That is the creative action of faith, you and God together working out and evidencing the power of creative desire.
Ye shall receive the desire of your heart if you come before me in prayer and supplication, for I am a God that answers my children. Go ye forward in the battle for I shall be with you and fulfill the desire of your heart. Yea, pray that ye may become hungry.
Call and I shall answer, for I am a God that hears. I shall answer your call. Come before me; Humble yourselves before MY feet, and I shall answer your call.
Be ye diligent before Me, and pray, yea, be ye in prayer and supplication, for ye are living in the last days, and My Spirit shall not always strive with men. But ye that humble yourselves before Me will know I shall be your God, I shall strengthen you on the right hand and on the left, and ye shall understand and know that I am your living God. (Tongues and Interpretation Mrs. James Wilson-Brother Myreen)"
From "Spiritual Hunger," John G. Lake "His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of faith" KCP, Fort Worth, 1987 pp 88-89.
"Blessed are those who hunger....for they shall be filled"

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Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.