

John G. Lake Still Inspires And Teaches

John G. Lake Still Inspires and Teaches (vol. 2, 10-3-10)

It's a great joy to share more from John G. Lake, a man of great bible faith, who teaches us who we are as God's faithful.

Today's excerpt from "As He is, So Are We In This World", teaches that by faith (confidently acting on the promises of God day by day), which brings the power and guidance of the Holy Ghost, we become associates of God.

Yes as He is, so are we in this world.

See if you can follow the bible logic, the Holy Ghost logic of how this great promise comes true.

From "John G. Lake: His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness Of Faith", KCP, Fort Worth, 1994, pp 61-61:

"Should I carry your soul tonight into the place of victory in God, I must carry it into the conciousness of Christ's overcoming life. All His healing virtue, His saving grace, His transforming spirit, all the angelic communion, the heavenly foretaste, the consciousness of the state of the redeemed, the glory triumph of Jesus Christ is in the consciousness born from the resurrection and revealed in the Revelation, "For as He is, so are we in this world" [1John4,17].

Jesus in His earth life reached forth into that life and kingdom triumph and exhibited in this world, in a measure, that victory and triumph that His soul knew and visioned. But when the cross came He entered actually into the life that His soul formerly visioned and knew through the word of God and the conciousness of God within His heart. And so His ministry in the Spirit is a ministry in the ALL POWER, ALL CONCIOUSNESS, ALL KNOWLEDGE, ALL GRACE, ALL VICTORY, ALL SALVATION. Bless God.

I would lift your soul tonight in the Spirit of God into that glow and glory of the triumphant life. Do you know that it is only as your mind settles back into the humiliation and the suffering and the weakness and the fear and doubting of the dispensation of the past, that you now grow weak and sickly, and sinful? But as your soul looks forward and possesses in the present the glorious victory that Jesus acquired and exhibits and enjoys, does it rise out of its sorrows, out of its sins, into that glorious triumph of the children of God?

It would not be pleasant to always have to live with babies and imbeciles, or a lot of half grown up folks. I want you to sympathize with God. I want you to catch the vision of the ordinary Christian conception. Think of God having to live forever and forever and ever in association with people who were not half big enough to comprehend His will. That is not God's purpose. Jesus Christ undertook the redemption of mankind and their transformation by the Spirit of living God into His own likeness and image and stature and understanding in the grace and power and fullness of His own nature. Jesus Christ is the associate of God, one with Him, and with every son of God. He has purposed that redeemed men, grown up in God, transformed into the very image and likeness and nature and fullness of Jesus Christ, becoming like the Son of God, shall be associates of God.

What did God create man for anyway? Answer: "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."

God's purpose in creation of mankind was to develop an association on his own plane. Otherwise God would have been eternally living with babies and imbeciles. He would have been compelled forever to associate with those who were not able to understand or comprehend His nature or character or the marvel of His being or the wonder of His power.

The wonder of the redemption of Jesus Christ is revealed in the matchlessness of God's purpose to transform man into His very nature and image and fullness. Thereby men as sons of God, become, bless God, the associates of Almighty God, on His own plane of life and understanding.

When my soul saw the vision of God Almighty's marvelous purpose, I felt like falling on my face afresh and crying out, "Worthy is the lamb who was slain!" For "As He is, so are we in this world." All the glory and power that Jesus knows at the throne of God, all the wonders of His overcoming grace, all the marvel at the greatness of His power, is yours and mine to expect through faith in the Son of God, yours and mine to possess and enjoy and reveal to the glory of God."

Conclusion: It Takes Faith To Be God's Associate

Dear friends have you caught the inescapable logic of how grace leads us to faith, which leads us to being born again by water and baptism in the Spirit (John 3,5) which makes us associates of God, new people who live and act and live on His Holy Spiritual plane. Praise God- He makes us like Himself, like He was, and He is, in this world here and now. 

It takes faith, and often great faith to live this new life.

It doesn't happen that we become Jesus' associates by just associating with a new set of beliefs, it happens by being born again and living a faith life that is tethered to God by the Holy Ghost and demonstrates  that "As He is, so are we in this world."   




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Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.