

God's One Purpose To Be Revealed

Book Of Revelation Reveals The Salvation Of All The Faithful (10.2.14)

Fourth In The 'Hastening Armageddon' Series

(No human or human institution is allowed to hasten Armageddon. Revelation16,13-14 )

"He [Antichrist] will pitch his royal pavillion between the sea and the holy hill, the fairest of all hills; and he will meet his end with no one to help him."  Daniel11,45

"But she was given the wings of a mighty eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the wilderness where she was to be looked after for three and a half years, out of the reach of the serpent." Revelation12,14

"13 I saw three foul spirits like frogs coming from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14 These are demonic spirits with power to work miracles, sent out to must all the kings of the world for the battle on the great day of God the sovereign Lord. 15...16 These spirits assembled the kings at the place called in Hebrew Armaggedon." Revelation16,13-14 and 16.

"He carried me [John the Revelator] in spirit into the wilderness, and I saw a woman mounted on a scarlet beast covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns." Revelation17,3

"12 The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have yet begun to reign, but who for a brief hour will share royal authority with the beast. 13 They have a single purpose [same mind] and will confer their power and authority on the beast, 14 They will wage war on the Lamb [bible based Christianity, and the nation the lamb leads and defends, Israel], but the Lamb [Christ coming back in judgment] will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with him [Hebrew saints and dead in Christ, the "armies of heaven" of Revelation19,14] are called  and chosen and faithful."  Revelation17,12-14.

It must not be easy for the established political and religious classes of the world to avoid a peek at the book of Revelation these days. 

In fact, there might come a time soon when world governments would consider forming offices to hash out what the biblical endtimes will look like.

There's little old miraclous Israel, come back to life in 1948 after 1850 or so years, surrounded by a lot (how many?) of Islamic nations (cf Psalm83), with the threat of Isis to the north, that is Syria, and Iraq to the east.

Revelation is so ponderous, undiplomatic, and apparently complicated. For these very reasons Christendom has avoided it (it's a great mystery how it ended up in the bible), but surely this supreme and remarkable book of faith is presently calling us to dedicated study, and another level of faith.

But we take heart- it says some simple things too.

It says that in the end all the earthly coalitions will be against Israel (Revelation17,14), aligned under some sort of transnational beastly force, run by a soon to be visible antichrist person (2Thessalonians2,4), likely a military leader (consider Daniel11,39, who honors the god of military conquest) who takes the matters of Mideast peace and war into his own hands.

This aspiration, the bible says, is both proud and lofty, a mere man's attempt to change the times and seasons. God can do this (Daniel2,21), man can't (Daniel7,25). These times and seasons include saving His people Israel, and His nation Israel (Zechariah12-13,1), and instituting His world-ruling millenial reign from Jerusalem (Revelation20,4).

Given the ponderous, undiplomatic and apparently complicated present state of mideast affairs, it is no wonder the older and wiser European nations have been reluctant to agree to USA led air strikes against a transnational Islamic "state" in Syria and Iraq.

To do so, and they know this in an unspoken way, and to fill up the mideast with arms that may end up anywhere, seems to hasten biblical Armageddon (Revelation16,16).

Man is not ever asked to do this in scripture. In this sense, all caution regarding Mideast military actions is to be commended.

Besides, any action and talk regarding air strikes, arms deals with rebels, and more war, and the phrase that no one wants to say, "boots on the ground", seems to fast forward the entire west, and peace loving Muslims too, and their nations, to a decision to support and defend Israel in the end, or not. In other words, any such talk and decisions fast forwards the world toward the last book of the bible.

Have you read it?

Revelation17,13 states that the transnational beast and the antichrist will have the help of a 10 nation coalition that will sprout in the end. These will all have one mind, one purpose.

This one mind has something to do with gathering nations and an ill begotten final coalition for a final war against the lamb (which includes a faithful Israel) at Megiddo (Revelation16,16). 

This one mind contradicts the mind of God and the times and seasons of God, the time and season of Zechariah12-13,1 and Romans 11,25-27 that says that after this present time of the gentiles (non Jews), in which time Israel's heart was somewhat hardened, all Israel will be saved.

Praise Jesus, messiah of Israel, his one purpose trumps any one evil purpose.

His one purpose has always been the salvation of his people Israel, and his nation Israel, and the salvation of all.

Happy Yom Kippur, as we all thank the God of Israel for his mercy on all.

More In This Series

http://www.zionpentecostmission.com/asking-someone-before-going-to-war.html (9.11.2013)

http://www.zionpentecostmission.com/iran.-israels-defense-and-hastening-amageddon.html (11.23.2011)





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Tobin Hitt is the founder of the Zion Pentecost Mission. He is open to gospel partnership with all, and identifies with Paul's description of our mission as ambassadors for our king, Jesus, urging all to reconcile with God (2Cor.20-21). He resides in Cheshire, Connecticut.